Diving Deeper into ‘Getting Started with Spring Cloud’

Excellent article.

Programmatic Ponderings


Explore the integration of Spring Cloud and Spring Cloud Netflix tooling, through a deep dive into Pivotal’s ‘Getting Started with Spring Cloud’ presentation.


Keeping current with software development and DevOps trends can often make us feel we are, as the overused analogy describes, drinking from a firehose, often several hoses at once. Recently joining a large client engagement, I found it necessary to supplement my knowledge of cloud-native solutions, built with the support of Spring Cloud and Spring Cloud Netflix technologies. One of my favorite sources of information on these subjects is presentations by people like Josh Long, Dr. Dave Syer, and Cornelia Davis of Pivotal Labs, and Jon Schneider and Taylor Wicksell of Netflix.

One presentation, in particular, Getting Started with Spring Cloud, by Long and Syer, provides an excellent end-to-end technical overview of the latest Spring and Netflix technologies. Josh Long’s fast-paced, eighty-minute presentation…

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